Posted By: ceny (C~eny) on 'Humor'
Title:     Gun Shop
Date:      Thu Mar 15 13:47:14 2001

Gun Shop Owner: "Hi, How can I help you?" 
Client: "I'm lookin' for a gun." 
Owner:"What kind of gun are you lookin' for?" 
Client: (pointing at the biggest handgun in thecase): "That one looksabout 
Owner: (very surprised): " Why do you need a .44 magnum?" 
Client: "It's for shootin' at cans." 
Owner: (pointing at a small handgun): "Well, this is the perfect size 
for shooting at cans." 
Client: (pointing again at the .44): "Nah, I need this one." 
Owner: "OK, what kind a cans are you shooting at?" 
Client: "Mexi-cans.......Puertori-cans........Afri-cans" 



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