Posted By: Tuttle (MamPoLetechJinyUsername!) on 'CZunix'
Title:     Re: gdb print
Date:      Wed Jul 11 07:12:53 2007

> vite nekdo nahodou jak donutit gdb aby pri vypisu promenne typu char* ji 
> vypsal az po > konstantu udavajici pocet vypisovanych znaku?
> dikdik

Nechci provokovat, ale trivialnim dotazem na Google bys odpoved mel daleko 
rychleji. Pro me fungovalo: 

    gdb print characters


    set print elements number-of-elements
       Set a limit on how many elements of an array GDB will print. If GDB is 
       printing a large array, it stops printing after it has printed the 
       number of elements set by the set print elements command. This limit 
       also applies to the display of strings. When GDB starts, this limit is 
       set to 200. Setting number-of-elements to zero means that the printing 
       is unlimited. 

    show print elements
       Display the number of elements of a large array that GDB will print. 
       If the number is 0, then the printing is unlimited. 



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