Posted By: Rat (prilis mnoho her) on 'CZunix'
Title:     Re: tomtom
Date:      Thu Nov 26 09:59:20 2009

> > Ahojda, 
> > 
> > poradite mi prosim, jak updatovat mapy na tomtom navigaci (na uvodni 
> > obrazovce je napsano "GO 730"), a to v linuxu? 
> > 
> > zdravi michal (toho casu po obede)
> z jednoho fora:
> My TomTom Device was detected on Ubuntu as a removable device and it gave it
> a nice TomTom icon on the desktop. It was mounted as /media/TOMTOM.
> I configured the drives wine saw when I plugged in the USB Cable and it 
> detected the TomTom as a removable drive. I then fired up TomTom HOME and 
> changed the device to point to /media/TOMTOM and it connected fine, with 
> updates and installation.

Hm, a vzhledem tomu, ze je to v /media/, neni to normalni mass storage, z/na 
ktery muzes kopirovat podle libosti? Mam zkusenosti jenom s telefony, ale tam, 
co na kartu nakopirujes, to si TT najde a zpracuje. SW Updaty muzou byt 
samozrejme neco jineho.

>                                              - znouza -

                    Jsem Krysa

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