Posted By: Travis (Spacetraveller) on 'CZunix'
Title:     gkrellm
Date:      Tue Feb 17 15:26:29 2009


     Poradte mi please s nastavenim stringu pro hodiny v gkrellm. Tohle mi nic 
moc nerika: -> %l:%M <span foreground="$A"><small>%S</small></span>
     Vysvetleni v gkrellmu: 
"For the clock, the provided default strings will display a 12 hour clock 
with seconds, a 12 hour clock with AM/PM indicator, or a 24 hour clock with 

The special $A substitution variable expands to the current theme
alternate color and is for use with the Pango "foreground" attribute."

^^ to mi bohuzel take nic nerika.

     Potreboval bych, aby se mi ukazovalo 24h a sekundy.


P.S. Vratte mi klikaci nastaveni formatu!!! 2xklik a hodiny byly, tak jak jsem 
potreboval. :-( 

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