Posted By: Lumo (** Lumidek **) on 'CZhistory'
Title:     Marsal de Villars
Date:      Wed Jan 28 00:47:37 1998

Trocha textu pro dokresleni, kdo byl onim rimskym cisarem a Ludvikem XIV. v 
jedne osobe, tj. kdo byl marsal de Villars (ja sam nevim o tomto jmenu nic 
jineho, nez povi internet).

21. Henri Bosc, La Guerre des Civennes, 1702-1710 , 6 vols. (Montpellier, 
1985-1993), III: 245. Although the vigorous military repression continued
under Marshal de Villars, as did the steady stream of rebels sentenced to 
death or the galleys, he also struggled to reduce the atrocities committed in 
name of the King by having a few Catholic militia leaders tried and executed. 
Once most of the leaders of both the black and the white Camisards had
been eliminated, Villars granted an `amnesty' to Protestants who turned in 
their weapons and agreed either to worship entirely in private or to accept
cash and a military escort out of the kingdom.


Louis Armand II.
He was cranky. In 1713, he served in Germany at the siedge of Landaut, he is 
then promoted fieldmarchal.
        Governor of Poitou. He enters the Regency consel and the war consel. 
He gets rich thanks to the Law
        system. He serves in the army of Spain under the command of the 
marshal de Villars but does not have
        qualities of his father.

Omlouvam se za spellovani "marshall", ktereho jsem se dopustil v jednom postu.

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