Posted By: Sartori (faithless) on 'CZgames'
Title:     Re: Maticni ulice
Date:      Tue Feb 29 20:31:06 2000

>  ..nejni spatna gamesa...
> Myslim, ze by snad taky byla poptavka po podobne gamese,
> akle s bolsevikama..  mohla by k tomu hrat treba internacionala...  :)
ja bych spis dal prednost podobne hre s postavama z nasi politiky a s 
disidenty, havel by byl za dvojnasobek


.                                                            /sartori
.      One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them, 
.  One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them 
.                                          .

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