Posted By: pivson (pivson) on 'CZc64'
Title:     Re: c64 x atari x iq151 x samovarna konvice...
Date:      Tue Nov  3 08:09:06 1998

> Cau,
>   teda nechapu, ze se vam o to chce tak do krve hadat. Stejne to nakonec
> vyhrala plecka z nejpleckovatejsich .... IBM (Idiots built me) PC....
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  We're not alone, there's someone else, too, |        Neuromancer         |
>  from the mirror's other side                ----------------------------/
>  reflecting the cruel part of your soul    
>  it's time for your choice....                   Blind Guardian
Bohuzel...l s tim IBM mas pravdu :-))))

Pivsonk I a posledni, z bozi vule vinar

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