Posted By: Trebreh (BlameWinOnlyIfUMakeBetter) on 'BBSpeople'
Title:     O mne / About Myself
Date:      Sat Oct 18 12:52:25 1997

Volam sa Herbert Vojcik. Studujem (?ako to kto nazve?) informatiku na MFF 
UK v Prahe. Vyska mensia, hmotnost stredna, oci hnede (vraj pekne, tvrdia 
nejake dievcata), vlasy hnede, brada nepestovana, vytrhavana v napati, a 
preto riedka, povaha labilny introvert, inak matfyzak jak svina. 
Narodnost, ak si este niekto nevsimol, slovenska. Obcianstvo (?zatial?) 
tiez. Narodeny a s tvralym bydliskom v Kosiciach, a silny vyhodnarsky a 
kosicky lokalpatriot. Nemam rad U.S. s jeho zakonmi ako "sexual 
harrasment" a "Communication Decency Act". Plany: Viz plan.

My name is Herbert Vojcik. I'm studying (?well, if they call it so?) 
computer science on faculty of mathematics and physics, Charles' 
University in Prague. Height is slighty less, weight normal, eyes brown 
(some girls say they're really nice), hair brown, beard wild, in nervous 
situations tugged, so it's thin, personality instable introvert. 
Nationality Slovak, citizenship (?still?) Slovak Republic. Born in 
Kosice, and being strong Kosice and Eastern Slovakia localpatriotic. I 
hate U.S. with their laws like "sexual harrasment" and "Communication 
Decency Act". Plans: Look at plan file.

Pivo/beer		---
Vino/wine		+
Slivovica/plum brandy	+
Cigarety/cigarettes	---
Sex/sex			++	stoji za to iba ked je tam aj laska
				worth doing only when love is present
Peniaze/money		+	je to s nimi lepsie, ale nie su ciel
				they're not the aim, but it's better with them
Laska/love		+++
Priroda/nature		+++	Zivot je Fenomen
				Life is The Phenomenon
Uprimnost/unreserve	+++
Pretvarka/affectation	---
Techno			0
Rap			--
House			--
Metal			+
Rock			++
Folk			++
Jazz, blues		+
Classic			+

Hudba ktoreu mam rad / Music I like:
Beatles, Mike Oldfield, Nedved, Klic, Cranberries, Pink Floyd, ...

Este raz: momentalnu situaciu popisovat nebudem, stali sa mi rozne veci. 
Momentalny stav bude vzdy v plane, pozrite sa tam. Pre zvedavejsich viz 
CZlove subject "Yet Another Love Story w/o happyend".
Once more: I'm not going to describe current situation, many things 
happened to me. Current situation will always be in plan, look there. For 
more curious ones (if U can read Slovak) look at CZlove subject "Yet 
Another Love Story w/o happyend".


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