Posted By: Flanneur (Flanneur) on 'BBSPeople'
Title:     Oslapa
Date:      Wed May 31 16:08:48 1995

Flanneur, aby mohl chodit po ulicich a divat se po lidech, musi si to v prvni 
rade moc dovolit. To ja jsem malem socialni pripad. Dovolit si muzu tak 
akorat prezit do konce bezneho mesice. Nejradsi prochazim siti. Nevim, jak 
dlouho mi to vydrzi, jsem tu teprve kratce. 

Jmenuju se Pavel. Je mi ctyriadvacet let a jsem z jiznich Cech. Jooo tam je 
pekne. Vetsinou jsem ale v Brne. Studuji ctvrtym rokem anglistiku na filde.
Nechci si zpackat zivot, i kdyz lidi, kteri si ho doopravdy `zpackaji' dovedu 
obdivovat, protoze to chce jistou strategii.

Pisu ted diplomku o Tomu Stoppardovi, ale napisu kazdemu, kdo bude mit chut 
napsat me. To je hlavni duvod, proc se tu inzeruju.

Flanneur is a special character; to carry out his exploration he really must 
have the means to do so.. This is hardly my case because I can only afford to 
keep myself going till the end of the month (my payday). My most popular area 
of explorration is the net. I don't know how long I am going to stay for I am 
a freshman.

My name is Pavel. I am 24. I come from South Bohemia but am really staying in 
Brno most of the time. I am a student of the English Department at the Arts 
Faculty. I don't want to fuck up my life although I feel admiration for 
people who can . To fuck  up a life seems to take a strategy.

Right now I am writing a theses on Tom Stoppard drama but will respond to
anyone who writes me a message, which basically why I present myself at all. 
Take care, everybody.

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