Posted By: iCEmAN (Svyho casu celkem borec:)) on 'ASCIIart'
Title:     BANIK pitcho :)
Date:      Tue Feb  8 20:46:33 2011

__zos_:         ___           ___           ___                       ___
__zos_:        /           /           /__          ___        /__
__zos_:       /::         /::         /::|  |        /        /:/  /
__zos_:      /:/:       /:/:       /:|:|  |        :      /:/__/
__zos_:     /::~:__   /::~:     /:/|:|  |__      /::__  /::______
__zos_:    /:/: :|__| /:/: :__ /:/ |:| /__  __/://__/ /:/:::::__
__zos_:    :~:/:/  / /__:/:/  / /__|:|/:/  / //:/  /    /_|:|~~|~
__zos_:     : ::/  /       ::/  /      |:/:/  /  ::/__/        |:|  |
__zos_:      :/:/  /        /:/  /       |::/  /    :__        |:|  |
__zos_:       ::/__/        /:/  /        /:/  /      /__/        |:|  |
__zos_:        ~~            /__/         /__/                     |__|

Postnuto bez souhlasu ... beat me... xD

The fire in her eyes...grew dim and then the poison 
inside...reached her heart...all I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love...You're all I ever
wanted, just you  
             , Mob: +420/774/211595

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